It was a fateful summer day when Jeffrey’s father was “volunteered” (thanks in large to Jeffrey’s two older, more mischievous brothers), to be the Scout Leader in Troop 99. Jeffrey’s brothers Andres and Paul were in middle and high school by then, but Jeffrey was in elementary school, and that summer day was the day that would launch almost a decade of adventures that Jeffrey would have in both CubScouts and BoyScouts.
From highly competitive Race Car Derbies and Model Rocket flights to Scouting Jamborettes in the Scottish Highlands, to becoming an Eagle Scout— scouting changed Jeffrey’s life in ways no one would ever imagine.
Scouting pushed Jeffrey to grow into a charismatic, fun, engaging and beloved leader, and while some of his adventures were unexpected – ask anyone about Jeffrey’s devious role in the Great Camping Ice Water Fight of 2007 – all his adventures shaped him to be the man that inspired a generation of Arizona youth.
Helping those who financially struggle to participate in sports, outdoor activities and community service.

Today there are countless youth programs like Scouting that provide important lessons and skills for the future. However, sometimes challenges arise that compromise success, causing kids to fall through the cracks. Our program focuses on youth who struggle to participate in these programs because of financial or social stress. We believe that by supporting the youth to attend activities such as sporting events, outdoor activities and community service, they’ll enjoy a fuller, more successful, future.